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What would you do for 31 days

27 Apr

I read an article yesterday about some women who committed to add an activity for 31 days which got me thinking…what would I want to try to do for 31 days.  The one gal did push-ups, one talked to her mom everyday….and well I don’t remember the rest.  Anyway….so I started making a list in my head of habits I could try on for 31 days….oh and by the way studies have shown that if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit… here is part of my list in no particular order — because I’m still coming up with ideas….

1. Write everyday for 31 days (okay so this may be the leading contender since I’m writing about it)

2. Walking

3. Walking the dogs

4. Training the dogs for 5 minutes a day

5. Doing the Flylady (a website) list of tasks

6. Track my WW points

…..okay I’m still thinking and apparently there are several things I think I could try on that could improve the quality of my life…..or otherwise enhance my life.  The one thing (okay so I’m bragging a bit here) that I didn’t have to put on the above list is reading the Bible — because I have been doing that — thanks to an email program that sends the passage I’m reading to me every morning….now am I perfect — ah no and by bragging I’m probably setting myself up….but I’m gonna keep plowing on with reading the bible chronologically… I’ll think about it some more today….maybe I can think about something new I should do for 31 days.   Wha ha ha ha ha.